Jun 10Liked by Jacob

Yes Jake!!!! I support you all the way!!!!!! I'm embarking on a similar journey and I'm so excited to cheer you on and chat about our experiences whenever you want!! I too look forward to the energy difference that taking these consistent steps forward will make! We've got this!!!!

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Thanks Lara! 😊 I can't wait to hear about your journey! Happy to chat and cheer each other on the whole way! Sending support and positive energy your way! I appreciate you being here and taking the time to comment—means a lot to me! 🙏🏻

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I have the urge to celebrate your fitness goal, but I'm holding back because I read somewhere years ago that getting too much praise before you start working toward a goal can make you less likely to do it. And I want you to be victorious!

SLIM CHICKENS!!! Holy shit! The founders are from my neck of the woods (Little Rock, Arkansas)! They are the only fast food restaurant (in my opinion) that makes a really good salad.

I carved the slim chickens logo into a pumpkin years ago. I'll see if I can find a way to share it.

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Pam, I've also heard this! I think it has something to do with releasing chemicals in the brain that make you feel like you've accomplished something when you haven't? Hah—who knows? But I appreciate your support. I want to be victorious as well!

And it makes me so happy you get the Slim Chickens reference here! I've never had their salad, but I'll try it next time I eat there (hopefully after HYROX 🤣). You must share this pumpkin picture with me.

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That's wonderful. Exercise and challenging ourselves. We need that! My husband started cycling around 50. He's now 57 and finished the iron tour yesterday and cycled 75 miles!! Cycling is part of him and he needs to cycle!! Like I need write

It's so hard to neglect ourselves with the responsibilities of adult like and numbing with food and endless scrolling. Sugar was my vice. A year and a half ago I realized I had to make changes to show up better for everyone

I wish I made the changes in my 30s like you have. It's never too late though

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Thank you Jane! That's so inspiring to hear about your husband: I can't imagine cycling 75 miles, but I certainly aspire to it. Congrats to him! And congrats to you as well for making progress on the sugar vice. Kicking sugar is something I'm struggling with, but I'm giving myself some grace as I slowly make my through this process. Appreciate your presence and comment 🙏🏻

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Thanks. Sugar is addictive for sure. I gave to keep it out of the house as much as possible. That is a challenge

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I love this bro!

From the way you started it (powerfully might I add), to the way you weaved two parallel journeys together 👏🏽

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Thanks Jamal! Sorry I missed this comment! I appreciate your kind words and support as always bro!

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Although we're on different sides of the world our experiences sound eerily similar at the moment my friend - I found myself nodding in resonance with almost every line. Particularly the incredibly humbling experience of trying to houdini out of a sleeping toddlers room...

Taking this as inspiration to take on a physical challenge of my own - looking forward to watching the journey unfold!

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Thank you so much Jesse! It's comforting to know that even on the different side of the world there's a dad who understands and relates to my experiences. I appreciate you being here and commenting. Keep me posted if you end up taking on a physical challenge of your own! 💪Looking forward to watching your journey as well.

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There is nothing like a competition to get you motivated! I made myself sign up for a marathon before my kids turned one to get me back into post-baby shape :)

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That's so cool Jenna! You inspire me. I've dreamt of running a marathon for years. We'll see how I do with HYROX's running and build from there 😊. Thank you for commenting and being here 🙏🏻

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Hell yeah, Jacob! You'll do great. The darker days of my parenting fitness involved only 20 minute runs/day. Gradually, my kids started doing it with me, then eventually out-running me.

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Thanks Jesse! 20-minute runs per day still sounds like a major achievement based on where I'm currently at 😂, but I totally hear you. I look forward to the days my kids can run with me although I'll enjoy the precious years where I'm still faster 😅. Thanks for being here brother—appreciate your comment and your presence.

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Hey, Jacob...that's great that you're going to get back in shape...it's never too late and the earlier you start the better! After my twins were born, and especially after the medical issues with my eldest, I really let myself get out of shape. After years of no exercise some friends finally convinced me to start lifting with them (my work place always has excellent gyms for the fire fighters). At the ripe old age of 50 I started power lifting again, and my only regret is I didn't start it sooner. I'm 61 now and I'm still lifting 4 days a week, and I'm in better shape than I was at 41. So do it! Stay healthy! It's the best gift you can give your family and yourself!

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Thank you for sharing! I love hearing stories like this—it really inspires me! It's an important reminder we can always get back in shape even if we've taken some time off. I aspire to lifting four days a week! I'll definitely keep you posted. Thank you for your comment and for being here. Here's to staying healthy!

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So awesome, Jacob! You go! Snap, crackle, pop is right. We cannot pause the aging of our bodies, but we can certainly help it along the way to keep it more pleasant for all involved. HYROX is a great goal 👏👏👏

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Thank you Maria! Well said: "we can certainly help it along the way to keep it more pleasant for all involved." Indeed! I appreciate your support 😊

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Jacob - man, this post hit me in the feels. Today is the first day of my 'retirement' and one of my primary goals is fitness. Much of my work has been sedentary over the past few years. That, along with hobbies that keep me seated (reading, writing, and video games), combined with a penchant for eating all the worst (but best tasting) foods, has made my waist line protrude. So I got myself a fitbit, downloaded the app, and am tracking my fitness and food. Being mindful of it is the first step. I look forward to your progress my friend and my own as well.

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Thank you for sharing Matthew. It's nice to know I'm not alone in trying to become more mindful about fitness and food. I, too, have both sedentary work and hobbies hence why I have to carve out space for physical activity (and perhaps a standing desk at some point). I'll be cheering you on brother as you make progress on these goals as well!

And big congrats on the retirement, by the way! I'm looking forward to watching and supporting your next chapter! 🎉

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I agree: being a parent is being an endurance athlete. Right there with you on snap crackle popping and becoming acquainted with current strength and flexibility limits while parenting. Also totally get how it’s harder to find chunks of time to exercise in the usual way, though there are many unexpected ways of exercising that have afforded themselves: carrying lots of bags of groceries, holding a kid in each arm, carrying an umbrella and a kids’ a bicycle and a bunch of other gear, etc.

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Thanks Erik! You're absolutely right about the "unexpected ways of excising that have afforded themselves" since I became a parent. The idea of "functional strength" has taken on a whole new level of meaning for me. Trying to carry two toddlers while doing some random chore around the house is its own special exercise indeed! Thanks for the comment and for being here—I appreciate it! 🙏🏻

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